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6 Types of Chocolate for Health

THE pathologist found many benefits that can be taken from the chocolate. Chocolate made from cocoa beans which are rich in compounds called flavonoids that are also found in tea leaves. To date, more than 4000 kinds of flavonoids have been identified.

Plants synthesize compounds that can dissolve in this water from the amino acid phenylalanine and acetate. Flavonoids act as antioxidants, neutralizing the bad effects of free radicals that can destroy cells and body tissues.

One a half ounce dark chocolate bar has approximately 800 milligrams of antioxidants, the equivalent of a cup of black tea. New findings show that flavonoids and compounds are important for health.
In addition to flavonoids, chocolate contains theobromine, an alkaloid compound that is lightweight stimultan can stimulate nerve cells that cause feelings of excitement and fresh. Apart from being stimultan, theobromine is believed to have mood elevating effects.

These compounds encourage the body pulled out of other compounds that can cause feelings of comfort and lightweight to reduce stress. Many people, especially women, eat chocolate for this purpose. After taking quite a lot of chocolate, they will feel more calm. Here are some types of chocolate and its benefits:

Couverture Couverture

Couverture chocolate is the best kind. This pure chocolate with a percentage kakaonya high fat, resulting in a very good flavor. Usually used for making hand-made chocolate products. Before use, this type of chocolate through the process of temper (melt) first.

Chocolate Bargaining
This type of good chocolate is used for cookies, cakes, and various other snacks. The percentage of cocoa mass varied between 30-70 percent. The higher concentration of cocoa mass, the better its flavor.

Chocolate Milk
Type of brown this one is a mixture of sugar, cocoa, melted chocolate, milk, and vanilla. Cokelat jenis ini paling banyak dikonsumsi. This type of chocolate consumed at most. Cocoa mass low enough, only 20 percent and it is sweeter than plain chocolate.

Chocolate is certainly a favorite of children because it can be directly consumed by a sweet taste. Content of milk makes sense to be more gentle. If you want to make a cake, this type of chocolate is not a good choice. Apart from relatively small content of chocolate, chocolate is easily burned when melted.

White Chocolate
Brown white generally does not contain a high cocoa mass. In addition to direct consumption, white chocolate is often used for decoration. Chocolate is made from brown fat, sugar, and vanilla that does not contain cocoa solids. Because easy charred, it's good cooked carefully.


This one chocolate products made from cocoa mass after fat kakaonya separated. This product is very easy to be processed and economical. Can be found in shops around where you live.

Chocolate Liquid
Liquid chocolate is a product of beverages containing cocoa mass and contain high sugar levels. Sugar levels, so-called ringleaders weight increased.(Genie/Genie/ftr)
Adopted From


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