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How to Sharp Brain Memory

AGE increased, decreased brain memory. Certain lifestyle helpful gray cells are working in top condition. So, do not think menopause is ready to undermine the specter of your brain slowly.
Ever wonder how some people do not lose the memory at the age of no longer young? In a study published in the journal Neurology, the researchers tested 2,500 people 70 years old to measure their cognitive abilities.

The result, half of the participants experienced a decline in brain function tends to normal, while 30 percent of participants showed no changes, including improvements in brain function. What's the secret? Natural Solution membeberakan how to keep the brain sharp memory.


Further, the study above also showed the results that the participants who regularly exercise one or more times a week, probably 30 percent of her brain function is more preserved than those who do not regularly exercise.

"Sports-cells produce the growth of new brain cells, called the hippocampus, part of the brain important for learning and memory," said Alexandra Fiocco PhD, head of research at the University of California, San Francisco, suggested why.

The researchers found that the educational background of high levels of the participants traveled, helped keep their brains sharp. But, education is not just formal education.

"The direction is more to how to learn, your brain is challenged to keep thinking. I think, education tends to reflect individuals who challenge themselves, "Fiocco said.

No smoking

Smokers are twice as likely to lose the function of the brain than non-smokers. Fiocco said, smoking increases oxidative stress levels (condition in which the amount of free radicals in the body exceeds the body's capacity to neutralize / existing) in the brain that prevents cognitive function.
Another study published in the American Journal of Public Health, showed similar results, that smokers of childbearing age decreased more rapidly in verbal memory than non-smokers.


The study participants who worked, volunteered, or living with another person cognitive capacities greater than 24 percent of those who tend to live alone. Social interaction requires memory and attention that helps in many other cognitive tasks.

"If you isolate yourself and to act passively in the environment, such as just watching television all day, you make the brain do not work optimally," said Fiocco.


Natural chemicals in foods, spices, and certain beverages can fight the decline in cognitive function and memory helps keep the brain active. Materials on the purpose, among asparagus, blueberries, coconut, coffee, egg yolk, Indian food, red wine, rosemary, salmon, tomato sauce, and walnuts.(ftr)
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