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Cara Ganti Password XP Tanpa Tahu Password Lama

This tweak gives a user the opportunity to know every user account that exists on the machine (even the ones that are hidden) and to re-password any account without having to know the existing password.
To view all of the user accounts:
While logged onto the computer, click on Start > Run > and type in CMD
From the command prompt window, type in net users. This will show you every account that is made onto the computer whether it is hidden or not.
To change an account password:
  1. While logged onto the computer to an account that has administrative rights, click on Start > Run > and type in CMD.
    Type in net user then the name of the account then * and press enter.
    Example: net user administrator * or net user “John Miller” * (Put the name in quotes if it contains spaces)
  2. From there it should ask for a new password. Type in your new password and press enter (type very carefully and check your CAPS Lock because the command window won’t display what you type) and once more to confirm it. If you get the message that the command succeeded successfully you’ve changed the password.
Klik kanan My Computer klik manage
klik pada Local User and Groups –> Users
Pada window sebelah kanan Klik kanan pada salah satu username pilih set password
isikan password baru



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