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Panduan Install Debian 5 Lenny Dengan Gambar

Burn the ISO cd image and boot the target PC with it.
You should see the “Installer boot menu”:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Installer boot menu
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Installer boot menu
Choose the language of the installation process:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Language of the installation process
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Language of the installation process
Choose your language:

Debian 5 (lenny) installation - Choose your language
Debian 5 (lenny) installation - Choose your language
Select your keyboard layout:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select your keyboard layout
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select your keyboard layout
Choose the hostname:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Choose the hostname
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Choose the hostname
Choose the domain name:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Choose the domain name
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Choose the domain name
Select your time zone:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select your time zone
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select your time zone
Select the partitioning method:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select the partitioning method
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select the partitioning method
Select the disk to partition:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select the disk to partition
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select the disk to partition
Select the partitioning scheme:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select the partitioning scheme
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Select the partitioning scheme
Confirm the overview:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Confirm the overview
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Confirm the overview
Write the changes to disks:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Write the changes to disks
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Write the changes to disks
Installing the base system:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Installing the base system
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Installing the base system
Setup the root password:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Setup the root password
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Setup the root password
Verify the root password:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Verify the root password
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Verify the root password
Name of the new user:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Name of the new user
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Name of the new user
Username of the new user:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Username of the new user
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Username of the new user
Setup user password:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Setup user password
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Setup user password
Verify the user password:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Verify the user password
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Verify the user password
Choose the mirror country:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Choose the mirror country
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Choose the mirror country
Choose the mirror archive:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Choose the mirror archive
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Choose the mirror archive
Enter proxy information:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Enter proxy information
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Enter proxy information
Doing initial configuration …

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Doing initial configuration ...
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Doing initial configuration ...
Installing the base OS …

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Installing the base OS ...
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Installing the base OS ...
Configuring popularity contest:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Configuring popularity contest
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Configuring popularity contest
Install collections of software:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Install collections of software
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Install collections of software
Install the GRUB boot loader:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Install the GRUB boot loader
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Install the GRUB boot loader
Finishing the installation …

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Finishing the installation ...
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Finishing the installation ...
Installation complete:

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Installation complete
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - Installation complete
After the reboot, the system is ready.

Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - System Ready.
Debian 5 (lenny) Installation - System Ready.


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