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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2009

Linux?? Why??

This is why people use linux! Its free, no pay. A lot of developers, so that deficiencies can be overcome. Still the lack of attacking firus linux, this is due to the many developers who can directly know if there is something suspicious like firus, spam, worms. So that the handling can be made immediately or even directly resolved. This is the Open Operating System, which allows each user can develop this operating system.


Dalam blog ini akan kami isi tentang berbagai macam yang bersangkutan dengan linux. Baik masalah, yang sering kita hadapi khususnya para newbe. Meskipun penulis salah satu newbe, namun penulis berusaha untuk memberikan yang penulis tahu dan bisa. Karena ilmu sangatlah beragam dan perkembangan yang cepat dalam setiap waktu. Apalagi dalam ilmu komunikasi sagatlah cepat perkembangannya. Untuk itu saya mencoba menshare ilmu yang ada untuk dibagikan, walaupun sudah basi dan ketinggalan. salam..... In English In this blog we will fill the various concerned with linux. Both issues, which we often encounter, especially for the newbe. Although one of the authors newbe, but the author tried to give the author knew and could. Because the science is very diverse and fast progress in every time. Especially in the science of communication is very fast progress. For that I tried to share existing knowledge to be shared, although stale and out.